This Weeks Nails #1
I thought I'd start a weekly content which nail polish I've used and what I decided to do on them. I know my nails aren't the best size wise or shape but it's impossible for me to wear false nails doing the job I do, so I always try and make these stumpy things look as good as possible. It really does depend week to week of what I feel like so keep checking back to see what I come up with.
This week I really wanted to explore how cocktail sticks work wonders to create different looks. I've got this gorgeous purple toned grey by Rimmel called "Punk Rock", I used that as the base I applied two coats of this to ensure I have a lovely even coverage. Then I waited to this to dry and then took a cocktail stick and my Barry M Speedy Nail polish in the colour "Lap of honour". I made sure there wasn't too much product on the cocktail stick and then gently dabbed the cocktail stick with the polish on onto the bottom centre of the nails being very precise as I go but also ensuring that I am making the spots as close to the same size as possible. Let me know what you guys think, I'm going to try and do a post like this every Tuesday so keep a look out.
Emer X
I much prefer natural nails anyway as false ones often LOOK fake and just no. Love this design, so simple yet really effective :) xx